Ty Al Levenez Ethic Etapes, séjours et séminaires

37 avenue du Révérend Père Umbricht 35400 Saint-Malo
37 avenue du Révérend Père Umbricht 35400 Saint-Malo
The Ethic Etapes - Patrick Varangot Youth Hostel is just 200m from the beach. It is open to everyone and is a wonderful opportunity to meet other travellers, swap stories and enjoy living together in friendly surroundings. Alone or in a group, the hostel offers bedrooms with en-suite showers and WCs, fresh seasonal food, a communal lounge area and reduced prices for local activities and attractions including water sports, thalassotherapy centre, the Grand Aquarium, cinemas, etc. The hostel is graded 4 ‘sapins’ and has several bedrooms and a dining area suitable for disabled guests.
Diese Einrichtung ist Accueil Vélo und bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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