Hôtel - restaurant L'Eskemm

3 avenue Mendès France Rond-Point Brézillet 22950 Trégueux
3 avenue Mendès France Rond-Point Brézillet 22950 Trégueux
For business and pleasure. At the edge of Saint-Brieuc, this family hotel is ideally located to branch out and explore the beauty of the Armorican coast. Located at Trégueux, just a few steps from the convention centre, shopping areas and attractions in Brezillet, this impressive hotel stands in the middle of a flower-filled garden. Owners Béatrice and Michel ensure the atmosphere is peaceful and calm. The comfortable bedrooms are decorated in a simple and modern style. After a good night’s rest, what could be better than home-made crêpes, a tasty addition to the sweet and savoury breakfast? Open at lunchtime and in the evening, the restaurant offers a buffet of traditional cuisine with a variety of sea and land based delicacies for starters and main courses.
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