Bateau Aventura - Promenade en Mer Honfleur

2, Quai des Passagers 14600 Honfleur
2, Quai des Passagers 14600 Honfleur
Head for the Bay of the Seine!
Embark on a sea trip from the port of Honfleur on board the ship Aventura.
Discover the Seine estuary with a passage through the sluice, the radar, the commercial port and the quays in the Seine.
Passage under the majestic Normandy Bridge and view of the Tancarville Bridge.
View of Le Havre and Port 2000, the nature reserve, the Butin beach, Vasouy, Pennedepie and the heights of Honfleur. Visit with live commentary by the Captain, duration 1h30.
Diese Einrichtung ist Accueil Vélo und bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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